Welcome to Prakruti Ayurveda




All are aware that every 4th person in India is showing higher blood sugar level and prone to diabetes.  Now a day people n 20s also coming with high blood sugar level. There are many reasons behind lack of exercise, sedentary life style, irregular food and stress.  People coming with high blood sugar, increased weight, decreased stamina, reduced wellness feelings. 

Ayurveda consider diabetes as problem in Kapha dosha and Rasa Meda dhatu metabolism. Here at our clinic we evaluate the patient with ayurvedic DASHAVIDHA examination method.  With Our 15 years of experience we have designed few herbal formulations showing fantastic results in controlling blood sugar and other patient’s complaints within 3 months of medicinal course along with few dietary advices and exercises. With this we are able to stop or reduce the requirement of taking insulin injections successfully. 

Panchakarma therapy is found very effective in diabetic complications like diabetic neuropathy, retinopathy and nephropathy.