Nadi Pariksha Expertise
Nadi Pariksha
Nadi pariksha or pulse diagnosis is a science. It is like a fantasy in our society but it’s the science of perception. It is most popular and vital method of diagnosis as described under 8 folds or Asthavidh pariksha in Ayurveda Nidan shastra. Ravan was the expertise in Nadi pariksha and we have the references too.
Here at Prakruti clinic we, Vaidya Tejaswini and Dr Sameer precepts the radial artery at the wrist joint and can feel the changes in vibrations of the flow. Nadi pariksha is done with 3 fingers and can feel and judge the changes in physical, physiological, mental and emotional level. We do the nadi pariksha and is studied and noted as per the different diseases and symptoms. It is useful for us to know its severity, prognosis, durations and the diagnosis to decide result-oriented treatments. It is the tool by which we can find hidden causes, symptoms too, which are yet not identified by the patients. It’s a non-invasive, effective and affordable method of diagnosis.
Prakruti Analysis
Prakruti is a Sanskrit word that literally means, ‘nature,’ or ‘basic trait’.
The combination of Vata, Pitta, and Kapha which is present in the individual at the time of conception is maintained throughout his lifetime.
According ti Ayurveda Science, different persons can have different combination of Vata, Pitta and Kapha as their basic constitution or Prakruti. That is why; two people react differently when exposed to a similar situation. Thus, according to Ayurveda everyone is unique and each one of them has a distinct body constitution, which is totally different from each other.
We suggest lifestyle, study patterns, sports selection as per Prakruti to kids and elders too.
At clinic, we do Prakruti analysis and Nadi pariksha for best diagnosis, treatments and guidance.
We Cure You In Natural Way!!
All are aware that every 4th person in India is showing higher blood sugar level and prone to diabetes. Now a day people n 20s also coming with high blood sugar level. There are many reasons behind lack of exercise, sedentary life style, irregular food and stress. People coming with high blood sugar, increased weight, decreased stamina, reduced wellness feelings.
Ayurveda consider diabetes as problem in Kapha dosha and Rasa Meda dhatu metabolism. Here at our clinic we evaluate the patient with ayurvedic DASHAVIDHA examination method. With Our 15 years of experience we have designed few herbal formulations showing fantastic results in controlling blood sugar and other patient’s complaints within 3 months of medicinal course along with few dietary advices and exercises. With this we are able to stop or reduce the requirement of taking insulin injections successfully.
Panchakarma therapy is found very effective in diabetic complications like diabetic neuropathy, retinopathy and nephropathy.
Life style disorders are becoming major issues in people’s health. Like from to obesity, diabetes, thyroid disorders, hypercholesterolemia to cardiac illness like IHD, and Hypertension. Increased blood pressure increases risk of survival.
At Prakruti Ayurveda we have well defined non-invasive ayurvedic measures for hypertension and other cardiac elements based on principles of Ayurveda. We provide Panchakarma therapy like BASTI, SHIRODHARA, and HRUDBASTI along with effective oral medication to lower the high blood pressure and cardiac illness for better healthy life.
Currently thyroid disorders (Hyperthyroidism and Hypothyroidism) are becoming more common in the society. As a hormonal disorder it is showing vast influence on over body like weight gain or loss, high BP, menstrual irregularities, pigmentation problems, hair problems, emotional disturbances, fatigue and many more.
On the basis of our experience in treating thyroid problems we have effective ayurvedic medicinal preparation along with Panchakarma therapy like VAMAN and BASTI to overcome thyroid problems. With this we can reduce or stop or no requirement of consuming the hormonal tablets.
Metabolic Disorders Management
Agni is the Digestive power which is the important concept of Ayurveda. Loss of Agni or vitiation of Agni is the main cause of all diseases.
Assimilation /acceptance of any food even medicine in our body is done only after the process by agni on it. So maintaining the AGINI in normalcy is very much important.
Loss of appetite, tastelessness, indigestion, hyperacidity, migraine, colitis, Cohn’s disease, heart burn, flatulence, constipation, stress, Insomnia, jaundice, anaemia, piles, fissures, fistula, Thyroid disorders, obesity, hair loss, pimples etc all are because of weak Agni or digestion. It is the root cause of all disorders.
We have cured all acute and chronic diseases with Ayurveda medicines and panchakarma without relapse of it.
Proper diet, exercise and yoga helps the Medicines to cure it fast and maintain the health.
Hyper Acidity
Now a days because of stressful and fast-moving life, everybody is running to complete his daily needs. So many people are compromising of food by using ready to cook food, outside meals(hotels), untimely meals or even skips too. So many people suffering with burning in chest, stomach, nausea, vomiting, pain in abdomen, mouth ulcers, headache, hair loss and many more.
We are providing better solution with authentic Ayurvedic medicines and panchakarma therapies like virechana , shirodhara. Along with dietary advise, our patients are having better and long-lasting relief from hyper acidity. Along with cure, prevention by increasing strength of intestine, correcting digestive process shows outstanding results.
Irritable Bowel syndrome (IBS)
This is now becoming more common in society. Now people coming to Ayurveda as this is showing sustainable relief in complaints of intermittent constipation, diarrhoea, loss of appetite, indigestion, muscle pain, etc. Many times, IBS found as consequence of hyperactivity as stated in Ayurveda.
Panchakarma Therapies- (will share later- info)
Abhyanag, Swedana, Pinda sweda, Patrapottali.
Vaman, Virechana, Basti, Raktamokshana, Nasya, Netra Basti.
Shirodhara, Dahankarma
What is needed for healthy menstrual cycles and pregnancy?
- Ayurveda has described that for proper menstruation and pregnancy needs
- Healthy digestive system- (Digestive fire)
- Metabolism (Rasa, Rakta dhatu and Stanya and raja)
- Balanced Vata (one of the 3 humours)
- Healthy lifestyle and regualr exercises and yoga as per Prakruti/ body type
- Should treat both for early and timely pregnancy.
The woman suffers with irregular mem=nses or regular menses and no ovulation or unexplained infertility. Along with that, anxiety, hyperacidity, obesity, body pains and in male, hyperacidity, low sperm count and low motility is usually present.
Body and Beej cleansing for couple, Internal medicines, Panchakarma
Basti, Massage, shirodhara, virechana.
- Uttar basti for Lady
PCOS- Polycystic ovarian syndrome
PCOS is defined as Irregular menstrual cycles, Heavy bleeding, Painful menstruation, Unovulatary cycles, Obesity, Hyoeracidity, anxiety, infertility.
- Treatment- To regulate menstrual cycle, Control the menstrual flow, treat Dysmenorrhea, Timely ovulation.
- Panchakarma- Basti. Virechana, Shirodhara, Pinda sweda, Uttar basti, etc.
- Lifestyle correction with proper diet and yoga and meditation.
At PRAKRUTI we have well designed treatment protocol based on evidences, results we got from our earlier patient.
Now a day everybody is facing with some kind of “stress”. Stress is now becoming part of our life. We are running behind completing deadlines, demands, commitments. Stress affects our body as well as mind. It affects what we feel, what we thing, how we react to others?
Stress can create variety of symptoms like anxiety, fatigue, depression, insomnia, headache, loss of concentration, anger, loss of appetite and even troubles in relations. Even now a day’s people having obesity, hypertension diabetes because of stress.
Stress can cause serious trouble if persist for longer period and not treated to reduce the impact on body and mind.
Our life style has invited many diseases in our body and mind. To get rid of this, relaxation and change in life style that is food and daily regimen habits is very necessary.
According to Ayurveda stress causes disturbance in dosha mainly VATA, affecting our body and RAJA guna- mind property which alters our Dhi, Dhruti and Smruti means mental state and Ojus in body showing variety of symptoms.
Good digestion and enough sound sleep is very important to live healthy, prosperous life.
Here at PRAKRUTI we try to settle the VATA and MIND by therapies like ABHYANGA, SWEDANA, NASYA, SHIROABHYANGA, PADABHYANGA AND SHIRODHARA which shows fantastic results to overcome the stress induced complaints
Relieves Pain, Feel energetic and Move smoothly.
Arthritis is very broad term. People using for complaint of pain, swelling, restricted movement of joint and spine. These are very common now a day. Many times, its chronic and having limited option to get relief in modern medicines.
In arthritis, there is degeneration and inflammation of bone, cartilages, ligaments and muscle because of age, inappropriate diet, lack of exercise or some external factors like trauma or injuries.
In arthritis, VATA gets disturbed because of age, poor nourishment of bone, cartilage, muscle other body elements of body-DHATUs and inflammation due to formation of AMA- indigested food- reason for diseases for many problems because of inappropriate diet and life style.
Ayurvedic medicines and therapies balances VATA and helps to digest the AMA, ensuring decrease in pain, inflammation, improves bone nourishment, muscle and nerves strength, improves movements of joint and spine. Ayurvedic therapy for joint, muscle and spine disorders showing fantastic results and is known Globally appreciated.
At PRAKRUTI we have solutions for joint muscle and spine problems like all Arthritis, Rheumatic arthritis, Gout, Cervical spondylitis, Lumber spondylitis, Disc prolapse, Nerve compression, Sciatica, Frozen shoulder, Sports injuries, and many others .
Here we provides therapy along with the medicines are ABHYANGA< NADISWEDA, PATRA POTTALI, PINDA SWEDA(SHALI SHASHTIK P INDA – POTTALI), BASTI, KATIBASTI, JANU BASTI, LEPA, showing fast and long lasting relief from complaints.