Panchakarma is a cleansing and rejuvenating program for the body, mind and consciousness. It is known for its beneficial effects on overall health, wellness and self-healing.
Detoxify your Body and Mind for Healthy Life.
Ayurveda treat diseases by 2 ways- shaman (settlement of Doshas) and shodhana (cleansing and detoxification)
Shodhana means removal of toxins, imbalnced doshas from the body. PANCHAKARMA is the way for shodhana. According to Ayurveda if we cleanse the toxins out of the body. After panchakarma therapy, relapse of the disease is very less as compared to suppression of the toxins.
- Eliminate toxins and toxic conditions from your body and mind.
- Restore your constitutional balance improving health and wellness.
- Strengthen your immune system and become more resistant to illness.
- Reverse the negative effects of stress on your body and mind thereby slowing the aging process.
- Enhance your self-reliance, strength, energy, vitality and mental clarity.
- Bring about deep relaxation and sense of well-being.
There are main five procedure detoxification, depending upon dominance of toxins
1. Vamana– Therapeutic Vomiting.
Vaman karma is targeted mainly to expel increased kapha dosha & secondarily vitiated pitta dosha out of the body. It is process in which vomits Toxins with help of medicated decoctions or milk.
Very useful in diabetes,Thyroid disorders, Asthma, Chronic cold, Sinusitis, Vitiligo etc. Mainly effective in Kapha dominated diseases.
2. Virechana- Purgation.
It specifically aims at the elimination of excessive pitta dosha from the body. It eliminates the metabolic toxins through the anal canal.
Very useful in Pitta vitiated diseases like Hypere acidity, Migrain, Skin disorders, Urticaria, Colitis, etc.
3. Basti
In basti karma the medicated oil or medicated decoction is administered through the anal route. Basti treatment used to remove excess vata dosha from the body . In ayurvedic classics basti having broader therapeutic action on almost all the tissues of the body and has rejuvenative, curative , preventive and health promotive actions
Very effective in all kind of musculoskeletal disorders like arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, spondilitis, disc prolapse, nerve compression, sciatica. All problems caused by Vata from hair to toe can be treated by Basti.
4. Nasya
Nasya means administration of ayurvedic medication (oil/ ghee/churna) by the route of nasal cavity. It helps in balancing tridoshas.
Medicated oil, ghee, powder nasal drops, for the diseases of nose, ear, head, eyes like hair loss, graying of hair, alopecia, sinusitis, migraine, headache, acne , cervical spondilitis, Thyroid, PCOS, etc.
5. Rakta mokashana
Bloodletting. It is removal of vitiated blood with the help of leeches (Jalauka vacharan) or venous puncture (Venous puncture).
It helps to removal of toxins located near to skin. Commonly used in skin diseases-psoriasis, eczema, vitiligo, acne, ankle sprain, Joint inflammation, etc.
There is many other procedure along with these five which helps to easy cleansings of toxins through body.
Like Shirodhara, Agnikarma, Lepa, Shalishashtika Pinda sweda, Patrabpottali, Hrud basti, Janu Basti, etc.
Abhyang (massage) and Swedana (steaming/fomentation) are PRE PANCHAKARMA procedure has to done before all karma.
Abhyang is application of oil to all over the body or to specific part of the body. This helps for reducing of the Vata in the body. Depending upon complaints we have to do Stokes of massage towards or away from heart called as Anulom and Pratilom massage .
Swedana is Fomentation with medicines. It helps to liquefy the toxins spread in the body and bring them to abdomen, From there it is easy to remove by one of the Panchakarma.
Other Special Therapies
Agnikarma / vidhha karma is described in classical Ayurveda text of Sushruta samhita and is very effective, non-pharmacological, Para surgical procedure especially for pain management. These procedures found very effective if done with scientific knowledge gives instant relief from musculoskeletal pain.
Agnikarma is a thermal and minimally invasive procedure done with controlled, pointed and therapeutic burns over the regions that are tender or painful.
Some of the conditions for which Agnikarma /viddha karma may be used are:
Arthritis, Calcaneal spur, Lower backache, Sciatica, Neck pain, Knee pain, Injury from a sport, Tennis elbow, Migraine, Frozen shoulder
Shali shashtik Pinda swedana
It consist of fomentation with medicated rice and milk. Beneficial for nourishment of Bones, muscles, nerve and repairing ligament injuries.
Pattra pottali– Fomentation with leaves. Fried in medicated oil. It is mainly used in rheumatic arthritis, inflamed joints and in some skin problems too.
Very popular and many of us aware about the name through advertisements. Very much known for its stress relieving effect.
According to Ayurveda healthy means healthy and fit by body as well as mind. Now a days due to our lifestyle changes many diseases have affected our mind. So treating body is not only solution. Shirodhara shows tremendous outcome in the effect of treatment is such cases. In shirodhara we are pouring medicated oil, medicated milk, medicated butter milk over patient’s forehead. This helps to control the vata dosha in body as well as mind. Shirodhara found very effective in psychological disorders like insomnia, depression, schizophrenia, Alzheimer’s disease, etc, also in psoriasis, colitis, infertility, menopause.
Uttar basti is passing of medicinal oil, ghee in to uterus or in urethra under all aseptic precautions. We are using Uttar basti very effectively in infertility.
It helps to remove the tubal blocks, helps in nourishing the uterine endometrium, regulate the menstrual cycle.
It increases the strength of uterus, removes the vitiated doshas, and helps for early conception. Till date many patients got benefited with the uttar basti.