Welcome to Prakruti Ayurveda

Stress Management



Now a day everybody is facing with some kind of “stress”.  Stress is now becoming part of our life. We are running behind completing deadlines, demands, commitments. Stress affects our body as well as mind. It affects what we feel, what we thing, how we react to others?

Stress can create variety of symptoms like anxiety, fatigue, depression, insomnia, headache, loss of concentration, anger, loss of appetite and even troubles in relations. Even now a day’s people having obesity, hypertension diabetes because of stress.

Stress can cause serious trouble if persist for longer period and not treated to reduce the impact on body and mind.

Our life style has invited many diseases in our body and mind. To get rid of this, relaxation and change in life style that is food and daily regimen habits is very necessary. 

According to Ayurveda stress causes disturbance in dosha mainly VATA, affecting our body and RAJA guna- mind property which alters our Dhi, Dhruti and Smruti means mental state and Ojus in body showing variety of symptoms.

Good digestion and enough sound sleep is very important to live healthy, prosperous  life.

Here at PRAKRUTI we try to settle the VATA and MIND by therapies like ABHYANGA, SWEDANA, NASYA, SHIROABHYANGA, PADABHYANGA AND SHIRODHARA which shows fantastic results to overcome the stress induced complaints